Parents as teachers program participants

This week's Academic Spotlight shines its light on Lansing's USD 469 Parents as Teacher Program, which helps young children tremendously, and we are very proud to have it in our district. 

Parents as Teachers serve prenatal mothers, families, and students from birth to kindergarten to enhance adaptive behavior, cognitive skills, language development, and task mastery persistence, supporting school readiness. Every enrolled family meets with their Parent Educator monthly to work on a developmentally appropriate planned activity. The families will set goals with timelines and will review progress at the monthly visit. Every visit has several areas of emphasis: family well-being, resource connections, literacy activity, and development-centered parenting.

Program Director Kelly Faulk offered some more insight on how special PAT is for children and their parents:

"Playgroups are offered weekly in the playroom at Lansing Intermediate School. These groups are a wonderful way for parents to connect and spend time with parents in the same parenting stage. Studies show that parenting a newborn to a young child can be some of the loneliest times in a parent's life. We want our families in Lansing to feel supported and heard. It is amazing when we see our playgroup parents exchanging phone numbers or making plans to meet outside the group."

I was on hand to observe kids interacting with each other in the numerous play areas, reading books, engaging with manipulatives, and socializing with one another. It was indeed a memorable sight. I was also able to converse with Lisa Hope, Lead Parent Educator, and hear her story on how much the program means to her:

"I was fortunate to participate in Parents as Teachers with my youngest child. The support and information I received was so helpful. After completing the program and my daughter starting kindergarten, I reached out and inquired about becoming a parent educator. I felt passionate about helping other families with the skills to support their children on the education journey. I am happy to say that I am currently in my sixth year with Parents as Teachers."

Kelly and Lisa also work with two other parent educators, Ms. Stephanie and Ms. Jane, both of whom received accolades from parents in attendance:

"Ms. Lisa, Stephanie, Jane, and Kelly are incredible. My daughter can do letters and numbers and is potty trained by two and a half. It's night and day with where she was and how she compares with others her age. - said Matthew.

Kelly Faulk elaborated more on some of the barriers when it comes to her program:

"I think the biggest misconception about Parents as Teachers is that we are an at-risk intervention organization. We serve children and families with risk factors, but we also serve families who want to feel supported in the parenting journey to allow their children to meet their full potential. I also want families to know that we are able to answer questions in any area of child development and education based on our data-based curriculum, Foundations. We can assist with pregnancy, postpartum care, breastfeeding, nutrition, sleep, social-emotional regulations, literacy, fine and gross motor skills, language, and so much more."

As always, I keep a keen eye on the engagement of the children I am observing to see if they are interested and like what they are doing. Since these kids seem to like everything and everyone around them, I asked the parents present for some insight into the program. As you can imagine, it was all positive and glowing:

"PAT has been a huge help for both my twins and me. They've taught me so much, but also my kids so much," said Leah.

"I think it's a phenomenal resource having an educator track her learning process, as well as an unparalleled opportunity for socialization with peers her age," said Brenna

"It's just a fun way to learn and socialize. I also love that it is a safe place for my child to come to." Mona 

Thank you, Kelly, Lisa, Stephanie, and Jane, for all your incredible work with our future Lansing students. We are so lucky to have you all!

Parents as Teachers currently has openings to enroll new families!

For more information, please contact Kelly Faulk at 913-297-0880 or