NHS STUdents

Transitioning from middle school to high school is a big step, and Lansing High School (LHS) is committed to ensuring a smooth process for incoming freshmen. Recently, members of the LHS counseling team, along with National Honor Society (NHS) students, visited Lansing Middle School (LMS) to assist 8th graders in enrolling for their 9th-grade classes.

The NHS volunteers played a key role in guiding the middle schoolers through the course request process, helping them input their selections directly into Skyward, the district’s student information system. This hands-on support not only provided valuable assistance to the 8th graders but also allowed NHS members to take on leadership and mentorship roles.

By working together, the LHS counseling team and NHS members are reinforcing the district’s commitment to collaboration and student success, ensuring that every student feels confident as they take their next academic steps.

NHS StudentsNHS StudentsNHS StudentsNHS StudentsNHS Students