Our "Employee Spotlight" series aims to showcase the unique personalities, talents, and stories that contribute to the success of our district. This section celebrates the incredible individuals who make our Lansing USD469 community thrive.
Amanda Edwards, Special Education Teacher
Question: How long have you worked in Lansing USD469?
Answer: This in my 11th year.
Question: Can you tell us a bit about yourself and the role you have within the school district?
Answer: I started out in Lansing as a brand new baby teacher at the age of 23. I was fresh out of my undergrad program and was just so excited to get into the classroom. I intended to teach little ones while in college. I never would have dreamed I would find myself in a middle school classroom, still, 11 years later. Working as the SLC 2 teacher at LMS, otherwise known as the Life Skills program, I get to work with some of the best, funniest kids in the district.
In this special education classroom, we work on academics as well as life skills like doing laundry, washing dishes, and vocational skills. It is a privilege to serve this population every day. I also serve as the Puzzle Club sponsor and I coach Unified Special Olympics basketball and bocce ball. In both if these positions we work to improve inclusive opportunities for students in the building and the community. There is nothing more rewarding and heart warming than participating in a Special Olympics tournament and I would highly encourage everyone with the opportunity to take advantage!
Question: What do you enjoy most about your role and the work you do in the school district?
Answer: My favorite days are usually days that involve inclusive opportunities for students. Whether that’s through Puzzle Club activities, interactions with student aides, or Special Olympics.
In addition to my role working with students, I also get to help support teachers and paraprofessionals as the LMS building chair. I love encouraging staff and serving the amazing people we have in our building.
Question: When you're not working, what hobbies or activities do you enjoy?
Answer: When I’m not working I enjoy spending my free time with my friends and family. I enjoy working out, reading, and playing with my dogs.
Question: What is something unusual about you that most people don't know?
Answer: I’m a sneaker head.
Question: Could you share a particularly heartwarming or memorable experience you've had while working with students or colleagues?
Answer: I have boat loads of heart warming experiences from my career. The first one that comes to mind is the relationship my team has formed with a few students from my first year teaching. Both young ladies are now adults and now volunteer in my classroom and help me coach Special Olympics sports.
Question: What piece of advice would you like to offer to students to help them succeed and make the most of their educational journey?
Answer: For staff, I would encourage high expectations for students with disabilities, but especially those with intellectual disabilities.
For students, I would tell for them to rise to the occasion.