On Wednesday, December 18th, the fourth-grade students at Lansing Intermediate School showcased their entrepreneurial skills during "Market Day," a hands-on event concluding their economics unit. In preparation, students devised unique products or services to sell, dedicated two days to creating their offerings, and spent an additional day developing advertising strategies. Over several weeks, they earned up to $3 per day for positive behavior, which they used as currency during the event.
Parents and staff were invited to participate in Market Day, where students alternated between managing their own stores and shopping at their peers' establishments. The marketplace featured a variety of goods and services, fostering friendly competition both within individual classes and across the entire grade to see who could generate the most revenue. This immersive experience provided students with practical insights into economic principles, including earning, spending, and the dynamics of supply and demand.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the parents for their generous contributions of materials, which were instrumental in bringing this educational event to life.
Market Day reflects our district’s commitment to the strategic goal area of the Whole Child Approach to Learning. Specifically, it supports Action Item 2.1: "Establish procedures and opportunities for students to access mentoring, career skills, and real-world learning opportunities." By managing their own businesses, students gained hands-on experience in decision-making, teamwork, and financial literacy, preparing them for future success both in and out of the classroom.