Amy Cawvey - KASB

Lansing USD 469 congratulates board member Amy Cawvey on her recent graduation from the Kansas Association of School Boards (KASB) Leadership for Tomorrow program. Amy completed this rigorous cohort alongside fellow school board members, superintendents, and administrators during last week’s KASB conference in Wichita.

The Leadership for Tomorrow program is designed to equip education leaders with the tools, knowledge, and insights necessary to navigate the challenges of modern public education. Participants explore theories of change, learn keystrategies for effective governance, and develop leadership skills—all with a focus on improving student achievement.

Throughout five two-day sessions, cohort members have the unique opportunity to visit local schools, observe classroom dynamics, and engage in meaningful conversations with leadership experts. These experiences encourage collaborative discussions and deeper analysis of the opportunities and challenges in Kansas public education.

Since its inception 13 years ago, the Leadership for Tomorrow program has graduated 221 school leaders who are now better equipped to serve their communities. The program provides its graduates with a robust understanding of the Kansas education system and practical tools for leading effectively.

Amy’s achievement directly aligns with our district’s Strategic Plan, specifically the goal area of the Whole Child Approach to Learning. By encouraging and providing professional learning opportunities for board members, administrators, staff, and parents/guardians, we aim to ensure that all students’ needs are met through informed and effective practices. Amy’s participation exemplifies this commitment, reinforcing our shared focus on supporting every student’s success.

Amy Cawvey - KASB