
Click here to register for bussing.

If you have already registered, you do not need to register again. If you are unsure if you have registered, please check the bussing tab in Skyward.

Per USD 469 District Policy, only students who live within the district boundaries can receive transportation services. Transportation is determined by the Home address listed in Skyward.

A new policy regarding unpaid transportation fees was passed during the school board meeting on April 8, 2024. As per this policy, students with outstanding transportation fees will not be eligible to ride the school bus for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year until the fees have been paid.

We understand that financial circumstances can vary, and we are committed to working with families to find solutions. However, transportation fees must be paid promptly to ensure the smooth operation of our transportation services.

  • The cost of busing is now $340.00 for the school year. This is for students who live under 2.5 miles from their school. The maximum fee for families with multiple students is $400.00.

  • Students who live in a walk zone may not receive transportation.

  • Students who live out of the district may not receive transportation.

  • Students who live over 2.5 miles will still have to pay the registration fee of $35.00.

  • There will be no charge for students who qualify for free lunches.

  • Students who qualify for reduced lunches and live under 2.5 miles must pay $75 with a family cap of $150. Students who live over 2.5 miles with reduced lunches must pay a registration fee of $25.00.

  • Students of District Employees will not be charged the transportation fee.

  • No refunds will be given if a student is removed from the bus for any reason, and registration fees are also nonrefundable.

2024-2025 Fees do not need to be paid at the time of registration. They will be added to Skyward at a later date.

If you have not paid the 2023-2024 Bus fees, your student's Bus registration will not be accepted until they are paid.

If you have multiple students in your family, a registration form must be filled out for each student. 




To provide students with safe and secure transportation to and from school in a friendly environment that enhances the total learning process.

To accomplish this mission, we will:

  • Promote mutual respect and understanding;

  • Model courtesy with students, parents, and colleagues;

  • Help students to start and end their school day with a smile;

  • Greet all who enter our environment with a smile, encouragement, and a happy attitude;

  • Develop and improve communications with teachers, staff, parents, and students;

  • Ensure that our busses function at the highest possible levels of safety, cleanliness, and comfort for students and drivers;

  • Maintain professional conduct and appearance at all times for both students and the public;

  • Enhance the publics' perception of the Lansing School District through excellence in transportation;

  • Initiate public safety and awareness in and for everyone we serve;

  • Promote our team spirit for excellence in all undertakings.

Safely transport students to and from school

Always fair, friendly, & professional

Focus on a positive atmosphere

Efficiently transport students while providing emotional safety 

Trust that students will live up to our high expectations

Yes we can is our attitude!

Lansing USD 469's Transportation Department comprises of three full-time employees - the Director, Jim Slapper; the Routing Coordinator, Janine Shields; and the Head Mechanic / Utility, Jeff Bohnsack. We also have:

  • 19 General Education Drivers

  • 9 Special Education Drivers

  • 3 Substitute Drivers

  • 7 Special Education Monitors

  • 3 Crossing Guards

Transportation Team

Jim Slapper

Jim Slapper
Director of Transportation
Email Jim Slapper

Janine Shields

Janine Shields
Assistant Director of Transportation
Email Janine Shields

Jeff Bohnsack

Jeff Bohnsack
Head Mechanic
Email Jeff Bohnsack