Special Education
Students with disabilities and exceptionalities moving to the Lansing District with an individualized educational plan (IEP) from another school district in Kansas, another state or country:
Lansing School District offers similar special education programming and related services at each school. The majority of Lansing students with IEPs attend their home schools. Students with more significant needs may attend a host program.
Programs are offered for students with a learning disability, autism, emotional and behavioral disorders, deafness, blindness, other health impairments, speech and language disorders, intellectual delays, orthopedic conditions, as well as gifted students.
As soon as a home is purchased or leased within the Lansing School District, it is important to make contact with the appropriate school principal or school psychologist. Your timely contact will assist the school’s educational team in working with you and your student to determine the most appropriate placement. Be sure to bring a copy of your student’s most recent IEP and evaluation report.
The school’s educational team will review the IEP from your student’s previous school district, and they will work with you to implement programming that meets the special education needs of your student.
All decisions regarding services and programming are made at the school level by the IEP team, which includes the parents and/or guardian of the student.
Special Education Services (Birth to 3, 3-5 years, and 18-21 years)
Lansing participates in the Tiny-K Early Intervention Services for infants and toddlers. If your child is between the ages of birth and three, and you need assistance with a disability, please call 913-250-1111.
Lansing School District offers an Early Childhood Program. Services are available for children with disabilities age three to five (prior to entry into kindergarten). Please call 913-727-1755 if your child is between the ages of three and five and has not started kindergarten. Assistance is available to determine if your child meets requirements for Early Childhood services. Please see development screening flyer on this page.
Lansing also participates in a program (LINCS) for students ages 18-21, who have met the requirements for graduation from high school, but who have not met their IEP goals. Please call 913-727-1755 for assistance regarding the LINCS program.
Parents' Rights
The Kansas State Department of Education provides information stating the procedural safeguards or parental rights specifided in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA, 2004).
Lansing Special Education services are committed to providing an education that appropriately meets the needs of each student. For some students, supportive educational assistance is needed through special education programs and services.
Lansing Special Education services include a comprehensive special education program which adheres to the federal regulations included in the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), Title II and to the Kansas Requirements contained within Article 12 of the Kansas Administrative Regulations. The need for services is determined in accordance to federal regulations (34, C.F.R. 300.11(a)(c)). If you believe your child may be in need of special education services, you may initiate a referral to your school's principal.
A variety of tools and strategies are used to gather information to determine if a student is eligible for special education. The evaluation process establishes whether or not a child has a exceptionality (disability or giftedness) and has a need for special education and related services.
The eligibility team, comprised of parents and educators, is required to review data from a variety of sources, such as general education interventions, early childhood screenings, record reviews, interviews, observations and/or tests.
Students must meet two criteria to be enrolled in special education:
Does the student have a disability?
Does the student need specially designed instruction to benefit from the general education curriculum?
Individual Education Program (IEP)
The Individual Education Program, or IEP, describes the special education services a student will receive from Lansing. The IEP is developed by a team of educational professionals, the parents and the student if appropriate.
The IEP is reviewed at least annually with parents. IEP progress reports are sent home quarterly.
Is my child eligible for Special Education?
Lansing Special Education services follows the Kansas State Department of Education process for determining eligibility for special education services.
If a parent suspects their young child, age three to five, has a developmental delay, they may request a developmental screening.
If a parent or school staff member has a concern that a student, who is in kindergarten through 12th grade, is failing to make educational progress they may request to meet with the school's intervention team to address the concerns.
The team may design an intervention and progress monitoring plan to address the students concerns.
The team will continue to implement the plan, monitor the progress, and refine the intervention plan as needed.
The team may find a need for further evaluation in order to determine if special education services are required. The team will make a referral to a diagnostic team for an initial evaluation to determine if the student is eligible and in need of special education services.
The school diagnostic team will develop an assessment plan and will request informed written parental consent to conduct an evaluation. The evaluation process is typically completed within 60 school days.
Parents are invited to a follow up meeting when the assessment process is complete. At the meeting, results of all evaluations are reviewed and the parents receive a written report.
If the team determines a student is eligible and has need for special education an IEP is written and the parents will receive a copy.
Parents are asked to give written consent before special education services begin
Disability Categories
Hearing Impairments
Other Health Impairments
Visual Impairment including blindness
Intellectual Disability
Specific Learning Disability
Multiple Disabilities
Speech or Language Impairment
Emotional Disability
Orthopedic Impairment
Traumatic Brain Injury
For more information regarding IDEA and the Disability Categories listed above please visit the U.S. Department of Education website at http://idea.ed.gov.
Contact Information
210 E. Mary / Lansing, KS 66043
Phone: 913-727-1755 / Fax: 913-680-1514
Ascendra Donald, Director of Student Services: 913-727-1100, ext. 1500
Dr. Rebecca Dalton, Early Childhood Principal: 913-727-1755, ext. 1509
LaKrystal McKnight, Elementary Coordinator: 913-727-1755
Dr. Sandy Van Cise, Secondary Coordinator: 913-727-1197
Office Personnel
For records requests, please contact Anna VanSchoelandt, MIS Clerk
Phone: 913-727-1100 ex. 1505 fax: 913-680-1514