Board Member Training Sessions


New School Board Members Complete District Department Training Sessions

January 10, 2022

Newly elected school board members Jeff Bollin, Amy Cawvey, Carla Wiegers, and Mary Wood completed a series of Lansing USD 469 training sessions on Wednesday, January 5, 2022. The purpose of the sessions was to familiarize them with the various departments and get them acquainted with each of our district directors. 

The board members started their training on November 17, 2021, by learning about the custodial, transportation, and emergency preparedness departments with directors Alan Brandt, Jim Slapper, and Kevin McCarley. On December 1, 2021, they met with directors Sharon Burns, Chris Fletcher, and Jennifer Zule to learn about district communication, technology, and nutrition services. Director of Finance Doniaell Brandt presented an overview of the business office on December 20, and the training sessions ended with Director of Teaching and Learning Miles Azzeh on January 5, 2022. 

"The new BOE training sessions were an excellent opportunity for new members to learn about some of the behind-the-scenes work that happens every day in USD 469," said Superintendent Dan Wessel. "Thank you to our directors and new members for the good questions and conversation."

The new board members will take office for the January 10, 2022 Board Meeting. January is also Board of Education Appreciation month, so be sure to thank a board member if you see them out and about in our community this month. We will also be featuring each of them on the website and social media, so be on the lookout for more information!

Here is a copy of the department presentations